"Simple Japanese Grammer."



Japanese verb has only two tenses: Perfect & Imperfect. It depends upon whether or not the event in question is completed. Thus the perfect can be used even for the future events.

  • IMPERFECT: Positive(da, i) Negative(dewa nai, ku nai).

  • PERFECT: Positive(datta, katta) Negative (dewa nakkatta, ku nakkatta).

  • Pronouns(kore,sore,are,dore)(koko,soko,asoko,doko)(kochira,sochira,achira, dochira)((Kotchi,sotchi,atchi,dotchi).

    Dare(Who), Dochi (which), doko(where), ikura(how much, ikutu(how many) itu(when), nani(what), nan nin(how many people), nan gai(what floor), nan ji (what time), nan nichi (what day), Nan gatsu) what month) ann nen (what year).

  • Japanese Nouns, generally have no plural forms, neither do they take Articles.
    To stress plurality, add "tachi" after Nouns indicating people.

  • When Nouns is inanimated, "Arimasu" is used.
    if animated, "Imasu" is used.

  • Adverbs(kou,sou, aayu, dou).

  • Japanese has no Preposition but does have Postpositions.
    Modifying words postlude the word modified.
    ei.:"Eigo no hon" (A book in English)
    [Eigo= English, no=in, hon=book.]
    (de, ni, e, kara, no naka, ni, wa, yori, to, ushiro, shita ni, ueno hou ni, ueno hou e, etc)

  • The postposition "yori" functions like the English "than"

  • There are two kinds of Adjectives:
    "i" ending and "na" ending.

  • When you want to ask a question, simply add "ka" at the end of the sentence.

  • There are three Adverb denominative(ko, so, aa) and one Adverb interrogative (do).
  • Adverbials of frequency:
    Tama ni (from time to time), tokidoki(some times), Nankai mo/nan domo (many times), Yoku (often), Itsu mo(always), itsu demo(any time).

  • Adverbial of time(duration):
    Juu, chuu, kan.(Kotoshi-juu, gozen-chuu, Yonen-kan).

    • Verb usualy come at the end of the sentence.

    • All verb can be grouped into three categories:
      1. Stems ending with vowel "e" or "i".
      2. Sterms ending with consonats.
      3. The irregular verbs "kuru"(to come), "Suru" (to do).

    • Interrogative Adverb and Adjectives.
      Naze (why), doo (how), donna (like what).
      Interrogative can be used as Idenfinites meaning any, ever, some, if you add "demo" or "ka" after it.
      ei.:Dare demo (anyone), dare ka(someone), doko demo(anywhere), doko ka (somewhere).

  • Japanese yes(Hai) & no(Iie).
    We say yes(Hai) when we agree with the questioners' literal meaning/prasing and no(Iie) when we disagree, regardless of whether the verb in the answer is affirmative or negative.

  • Let practice Japanese conversation:

    Usefull links:
  • Web Page Editing

  • Edible Art

  • Reflexology

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